Syncretic Storytelling; or Why Watermyth is a Hard Sell

I get why Watermyth is a hard sell. It’s a postcolonial portal fantasy with a Muslim mermaid; more Malaysians and Muslims (from different diasporas) than you can shake a stick at; a mish-mash of superdiverse cultures on a mythical island that has a diaspora composition that is majority Global South, apart from the autochthonous communities. … Continue reading Syncretic Storytelling; or Why Watermyth is a Hard Sell

A Necessary Caution

Here’s a caution I’ve repeated more than once and which seems necessary now since the publication of Watermyth. Now, this caution may not be true of all authors but it’s certainly true of seasoned authors who spend a lot of time and energy constructing multiple worlds, nuanced characters with a multitude of viewpoints. Essentially, do … Continue reading A Necessary Caution