Places to Purchase WATERMYTH (Ebook)

Hello, Here’s some information on how to purchase Watermyth. Some of the vendors are on the Books2Read portal but not all of them are listed. A memory-wiped mermaid-siren rehearsing for her storyteller exams tries to piece together events from the past, present and future while around her wars between merkingdoms are fomenting. 🧜‍♀️ 🧜‍♂️ 🧜 … Continue reading Places to Purchase WATERMYTH (Ebook)

Nice Things Other People Have Said About Watermyth (Blurb Page)

Hello, I’m putting all of the blurbs for Watermyth on this page. And here is the page where you can choose your options for either buying the book or ordering it for your library! “Anita Harris Satkunananthan’s novel Watermyth is an amazing hybrid of fantasy, myth, biology in the form of genetic manipulation, and cultures that includes … Continue reading Nice Things Other People Have Said About Watermyth (Blurb Page)