Places to Purchase Watermyth (ebook)

Hello, Here’s some information on how to purchase Watermyth. Some of the vendors are on the Books2Read portal but not all of them are listed. A memory-wiped mermaid-siren rehearsing for her storyteller exams tries to piece together events from the past, present and future while around her wars between merkingdoms are fomenting. 🧜‍♀️ 🧜‍♂️ 🧜 … Continue reading Places to Purchase Watermyth (ebook)

Lyceum Notes: Seeking the Balance as a Creative Writing Educator

I return to my planned series of posts about creative writing based on my experience as an editor, writer and creative writing educator for over a decade. I’m no longer teaching creative writing because of the programme restructuring over at my Centre; I teach literature, literacy, and popular culture courses for MA and PhD students … Continue reading Lyceum Notes: Seeking the Balance as a Creative Writing Educator

Syncretic Storytelling; or Why Watermyth is a Hard Sell

I get why Watermyth is a hard sell. It’s a postcolonial portal fantasy with a Muslim mermaid; more Malaysians and Muslims (from different diasporas) than you can shake a stick at; a mish-mash of superdiverse cultures on a mythical island that has a diaspora composition that is majority Global South, apart from the autochthonous communities. … Continue reading Syncretic Storytelling; or Why Watermyth is a Hard Sell