Metaphorical Miles Crosses
Litter my life as I have waited
for my true love in different shapes and forms.
They pass me by on dappled horse, on bicycles
on their own two feet, but never have I pulled.
Never have I held a lover in my arms, to persist
until I twist with pain against a red-hot brand.
I’ve writhed against the blister of cruel words and witty games;
but in recall we can admit, they carried not the sting
of faerie punishments; more the default of humankind.
Now, if I were to see a milk-white steed
riding past me on the highway; I would pull the
rider down only to pull myself up.
I would ride away with my hair flowing behind me in
an eldritch halo – and join the host for one foolhardy night.
(c) Nin Harris, April 2011 — (mild, All Hallow’s Eve 2020 revisions)
Repost of (one of) my Tam Lin inspired poems, since it is Halloween 🙂